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Employment Tax Planning

A.      Employee Share Schemes
In today’s Economy, many employers are looking for ways to incentivise employees through non-remuneration based schemes that have a low cost and give some additional incentives and benefits to employees to participate in the company.

Staff incentives may take different forms depending on the needs of the business and profile of the employee.

We have the expertise to assist you on the following:

  • Employee Share Ownership Trusts
  • Revenue Approved Share Option Schemes
  • Unapproved Share Option Schemes

B.      Termination Payments

Our tax department has experience in advising both employers and employees on the tax issues arising on the cessation of employment.  Any termination payment requires careful tax planning to make sure that the redundancy schemes are carefully administered.

We can assist you with the following services:

  • Review of Employment Contracts to determine the Income Tax treatment of payments receivable.
  • Calculating tax-free payments on terminating employment
  • Advice on Severance Packages for departing employees in a tax efficient manner.
  • Preparation and Submission of Income Tax Returns to include claims for top-slicing relief.
  • Liaising with the Revenue Commissioners with regards seeking advance approval of tax free payments
  • Liaising with Pension Providers

C.     Foreign Employment/Secondment

In the current economic climate, businesses may need to explore new markets in order to grow.  They may do this by seconding employees to foreign jurisdictions to carry out their employment for a period of time.

The issues we can assist you with are the following:

  • PAYE Exclusion Orders
  • PRSI Collection
  • Return to Ireland
  • Foreign Tax Issues

D.     Payroll Taxes

Our tax department works very closely with our accounting department to provide a cost effective and comprehensive payroll management services.

Please see Payroll Services for more information