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Budget 2019 Main Points


USC will fall by 0.25% to 4.5% on incomes between €19,874 and €70,004.

The point that people will hit the higher 40% rate of income tax will rise to €35,500 from €34,550.

Minimum wage will increase to €9.80 and the second USC rate band will increase to €19,874.

The home carers credit will increase to €1,500 from €1,200.

The higher rate of Employers PRSI will increase to €386 from €376.

The earned income tax credit for self-employed workers will increase to €1,350.



The special 9% VAT rate for tourism and hospitality sector is to be abolished, increasing to 13.5%.

9% VAT rate will be retained for newspapers and sporting facilities and the rate of VAT for electronic publications will be reduced from 23% to 9%.


Excise on cigarettes to increase by 50cent. 

No increases in excise on alcohol.

BETTING tax to increase from 1% to 2%.


Tax free threshold for inheritances between parents and their children increases to €320,000 from €310,000.


Film tax credit will be extended to 2024.

Extend 3 year tax relief for certain start up companies under the end of 2012.

Exit Tax of 12.5% on gains that have built up in Ireland once the assets have left the scope of Irish tax.


No increase in carbon tax.

1% surcharge on VRT on all new and imported diesel vehicles.


All weekly social welfare payments will increase by €5 and Christmas bonus to be fully restored.

PRSI for self employed to be expanded.

2 week parental paid leave to every parent of a child under 1 year from November 2019

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